
AI-powered support tool for creating virtual assistants to reduce customer ticket volume.

Revolutionize your customer support with Bubbly, the AI-powered tool that empowers businesses to create their own virtual assistant in a few simple steps. Say goodbye to manual responses from your customer success team thanks to the GPT3 AI Bot integration onto your website or internal dashboard. Bubbly reduces customer ticket volume by up to 30% within a week, providing your team with the bandwidth to focus on more strategic initiatives.

Enjoy easy integration with one simple line of JavaScript. Collaborate with the Bubbly team to personalize your virtual assistant to meet your specific needs, creating a tailored onboarding experience for your users.

Enhance your customer support capabilities with Bubbly, improve onboarding experiences, and streamline your operations. Get ready to experience the power of Bubbly, the AI-support tool that'll elevate your business to the next level.

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Featured on May 17