Help Center

Instant Answers with AI-Powered Knowledge Base

Introducing, your reliable customer support knowledge base solution powered by AI. 🚀💡

With more than 500 trusted companies relying on its efficient features and ease of use, is here to revolutionize your customer support experience.


- 🤖 AI Search and AI Chatbot: Instantly resolve customer issues, reduce resolution times, and deflect repetitive support tickets.

- 📚 Automatic Learning: The AI continuously improves without any setup time, learning from help center articles, custom FAQs, and external websites.

- 🌐 Multilingual Support: No language barriers, provide the same level of support in any language your customers ask questions.

- ⏰ 24x7 Support: Round-the-clock customer support, even when your support agents are unavailable.

- ✍️ Easy to use Article Editor: Create visually appealing articles with ease, complete with tables, images, videos, and SEO data.

- 📬 Create tickets in other Support Tools: Easily forward customer support tickets to your preferred tool by adding your support email address under Settings.

Use Cases:

- 📥 Importing Articles: Seamlessly import existing help articles from knowledge bases like Intercom, Crisp, Zendesk, and Freshdesk.

- 🌐 Custom Domain: Personalize your own domain, such as, for a professional touch.

- 🧠 Improving AI Answers: Update article content to automatically enhance AI responses or provide additional information for better accuracy.

- 🌍 Using Website Content in AI: Expand AI capabilities by incorporating website content into the AI search and chat features.


Rest assured that prioritizes your data security. Our servers and databases, hosted by AWS in the EU region, guarantee the highest standards of protection. Please note that if you utilize Open AI chatGPT's features, your data may be processed outside of the EU.

Explore the power of today and elevate your customer support to new heights. ✨🌟

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Featured on Nov 15