
Javascript neural network library

Introducing Synaptic.js, the JavaScript library dedicated to neural networks and deep learning 🧠

📚 Learning Resources and Demos:

- Learn XOR: Understand the power of neural networks with this classic machine learning problem.

- Discrete Sequence Recall: Dive into training networks to recall discrete sequences, a crucial concept in many applications.

- Learn Image Filters: Explore the library's support for image filtering in computer vision tasks.

- Paint An Image: Witness the creativity of neural networks in image-related tasks.

- Self Organizing Map: Discover the specific neural network type used for clustering and visualization.

- Read From Wikipedia: See how text processing and natural language understanding can be achieved using Synaptic.js.

📖 Documentation:

- Neurons: Understand the core building blocks of artificial neurons in neural networks.

- Networks: Gain insights into the internal structures and interconnections of neural networks in Synaptic.js.

- Layers: Learn about the organization and functionality of layers within neural networks.

- Trainer: Explore the training process of neural networks using Synaptic.js.

- Architect: Design the architecture of neural networks tailored to specific tasks.

Unlock the possibilities of JavaScript-powered neural networks with Synaptic.js!

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Featured on Oct 30