Readable Technologies

Detect Dyslexia in 90 seconds with a webcam

πŸ€“Discover Dyslexia in under two minutes with our revolutionary tool that utilizes only your webcam.

πŸ‘‰ Minimal effort: Simply have the individual read aloud for 90 seconds.

πŸ‘‰ Reliable: Through machine learning, our tool has an accuracy rate of 92%.

πŸ‘‰ Accessibility: No need for extra equipment or purchasing expensive software.

πŸ‘‰ Early Detection: The earlier dyslexia is detected, the earlier treatment can begin.

Discover Dyslexia's tool is a game-changer in detecting dyslexia. With an accuracy rate of 92%, our tool is accessible and user-friendly to anyone who owns a webcam. Not only that, it detects dyslexia early, allowing parents and educators to take action before it progresses. Try it out today!

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Featured on Mar 03