
Help customers make faster, more accurate lending decisions and transform documents into digital data and analytics.

Introducing Ocrolus: The AI-driven fintech document automation software 🚀

📌 AI-driven document processing automation with Human-in-the-Loop: Highly precise sorting, data extraction, and validation through machine learning and human validation.

📌 Capabilities: Classify, capture, detect, and analyze various types of documents, including cash flow, income, address, employment, and identity documents.

📌 Industry-specific solutions: Tailored solutions for small business lending, mortgage, and consumer industries.

📌 Modern back-office infrastructure: Quick data retrieval, smarter decision-making, accelerated processes, scalability, bank-level security, and robust audit trail.

🔍 Use Cases:

- Evaluate financial health with bank data and cash flow analytics.

- Calculate income for consumers with diverse employment profiles.

- Extract and validate address information from any document.

- Retrieve employment data from different sources.

- Establish and confirm identity using multiple document types.

🏋️ Resources:

Access a range of resources including guides, a blog, customer stories, whitepapers, eBooks, videos, FAQs, and upcoming events. Explore our developer program and documentation for developers.

Discover the power of Ocrolus and revolutionize your lending decisions today! 💪

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Featured on Sep 22
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