
One-click watermark, resize, and rename for images

Transform your image processing experience with this amazing free tool that lets you watermark, resize, and rename your images in just one click! Designed to revolutionize the way you handle your image tasks, this tool comes packed with an array of features that are aimed at maximizing your productivity and streamlining your workflow.

Here are some of the superb features you will get when you use this tool:

Bulk watermarking - you can easily apply watermarks to all your images quickly with just one click of a button.

Multiple image adjustments - With this tool, you have the power to resize, rename, and apply effects to multiple images all at once.

Import images - Quickly import all your desired images for processing with ease.

Customizable watermark options - This tool comes with a wide range of watermark customization options that allow you to easily choose your preferred watermark image, its position, and opacity levels.

GPU rendering - Harness the power of supercharged processing thanks to this tool's GPU rendering capabilities.

Modern tech - Built with WebAssembly and Svelte by Hugo, this tool is packed with cutting-edge technology that ensures top-of-the-line performance and convenience.

With this tool, you can efficiently watermark a large batch of images, bulk resize and rename images for easy organization, apply effects to multiple images simultaneously, and maintain privacy and speed by processing your images directly on your device.

Do not let your image processing tasks slow you down! Take advantage of this amazing tool today and transform the way you manage and process your images while ensuring your privacy and productivity remain uncompromised.

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Featured on Apr 21