Jua AI

High-accuracy weather data

Revolutionize weather forecasting like never before with The Jua Model - a globally acclaimed, AI-powered weather model that defies imagination when it comes to prediction accuracy. Gone are the days of conventional Earth's atmosphere modeling - Jua offers a brand new way to forecast the weather with unparalleled accuracy and no compromise on precision. Boasting proprietary AI technology and a vast array of data sources, Jua's high-performing, full-scale weather model leaves archaic modelings like GFS and IFS in the dust. And with multiple use cases applicable to industries ranging from weather forecasting to enterprise-scale energy procurement, Jua offers a global weather model for all your needs. Say goodbye to mixed regional models and hello to Jua's seamless, high-precision forecasts that reveal microclimates down to a 1 km2 spatial resolution. Plus, with the ability to predict weather on a 5-minute temporal resolution - that's up to 12x more frequent than other leading numerical models - Jua's model delivers prediction accuracy that feels like measurements, surpassing even the best performers in the industry.

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Featured on Apr 04
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