
Never run out of things to say.

🗣️ Confab is the perfect tool for anyone who wants to break the ice with conversation starters. Whether you're at a party, meeting new people, or just looking to spice up your chat game, Confab has got your back. Here are some of its features:

📚 Categories: Confab provides conversation prompts in different categories like pop culture, food, travel, and more!

🤝 Social Sharing: Share the questions with your friends on social media platforms and start a discussion!

⏱️ Timer: Set a timer for each question to make sure all participants get a chance to share their thoughts.

✔️ Easy-to-Use: Confab is simple to use, and anyone can start using it right away without any instructions.

🌍 User-Friendly: Confab can be used anywhere. It doesn't matter where you are or what you are doing, Confab is at your fingertips.

Make your conversations fun, engaging, and exciting with Confab!

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Featured on Mar 21