Sales Generate Leads What are some creative ways to generate leads for my <niche> company?
Sales Cross-selling Opportunities What cross-selling opportunities would you recommend for my [Niche] business?
Sales Product Outreach Email We are launching [product]. It is designed for [audience]. These are three main features/benefits [Item 1], [Item 2], [Item 3]. Write a sales email inviting the reader to buy a product at [percentage]% off.
Sales Crafting Sales Email Our [product or service] is the perfect solution for [pain point] that many of our customers are facing. It offers [benefit 1], [benefit 2], and [benefit 3] that make it a must-have for [target audience X]. Write a sales email that highlights the product/service and encourages customers to take action.
Sales LinkedIn Person Prospecting Summarize [linkedin profile url] into 10 bullet points, brainstorm the pain points they have around [topic]
Sales Brainstorm Pain Points Act as a [target persona]. What pain points do they face and what language would they use for [goals]?
Sales Hyper Personalize Cold Emails Write a personalized cold email to [linkedin profile url] selling [product description] in [Industry]. Make sure the first 7 words of the email catch the reader's attention. Make the email 3-5 sentences.
Sales Competitor Analysis Conduct a full analysis of [competitor company name] and identify the competitive advantages and disadvantages of their product.
Sales Outreach Sequence Generate a 3 step outreach sequence for [company URL] selling to [target customer]
Sales LinekdIn Boolean Search Write me a Boolean search on variations of [roles] that I can plug into sales navigator search
Sales LinkedIn Sales Prospecting Scan this LinkedIn Profile [LinkedIn Profile URL]. Using what you know about this person and what we do at [your company], draft a three why's hypothesis (why do anything, why [your product], why now) as to why this person would want to buy our product.